Continuing a class project during my semester abroad at UC Berkeley I developed a compiler for the Classroom Object-Oriented Language. While this compiler works well as a stand-alone tool and is able to compile nearly the complete featureset of the language to Java bytecode, my current goal is to develop a simple online IDE, similar in spirit to ideone.com.
The code for this compiler can be found on github.
Major tools used: Java
, Eclipse
, Maven
, JUnit
, travis
An online tool that helps students and instructors to teach and learn basic concepts in automata theory. Provides automated feedback to the student if they provide a wrong automaton. I rewrote the frontend of the tool, which is used by over 2000 students from 12 continents on four continents.
You can try it out here. Also, we published our experience in building, deploying and operating this tool in the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.
Major tools used: Scala
, Lift
, sbt
During my work on my Master’s thesis at RWTH Aachen University I have contributed to the analysis of integer constraints in Prolog programs in AproVE, a powerful tool for proving termination of Java-, C- and Prolog-Programs. On a set of benchmarks comprising 162 programs requiring such arithmetical analysis I was able to increase the power of the analysis from 67 programs proven to be terminating to 110 programs proven to be terminating. Moreover, I decreased the runtime of the analysis from 55 seconds in the mean and 71 seconds in the median to around 14 seconds in the mean and 2 seconds in the median.
A complete presentation of the problem, my approach and an evaluation can be found in my Master’s thesis.
Major tools used: Java
, Eclipse
, Git
When I was a research assistant at the Group for High Performance Computing of the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University, Christian Iwainsky and I started developing InstRO, a tool for instrumentation of C- and C++-code.
Christian has since moved on to Darmstadt University, where the project is currently under development. You can find the project page here.
Major tools used: C++
, Make