You can find my complete CV here (in German).
- Since July 2020:Research Group Lead, Distributed Software SystemsInstitute for Software Technology, German Aerospace Center,Cologne
- October 2018 - June 2020:Research Software EngineerInstitute for Software Technology, German Aerospace Center,Cologne
- September 2015 - September 2018:Doctoral ResearcherReactive Systems Group, Saarland University,Saarbrücken
- August 2010 - January 2015 (non-continuous):Research and Teaching AssistantVarious Chairs and Institutes of RWTH Aachen University,Aachen
- August 2012 - September 2012:Research InternMax Planck Institute for Software Systems,Saarbrücken
- December 2018:Ph.D. in Computer ScienceSaarland University,Saarbrücken
- September 2015:M.Sc. in Computer ScienceRWTH Aachen University,Aachen
- January 2014 - May 2014:Exchange SemesterUC Berkeley,Berkeley, California, USA
- September 2012:B.Sc. in Computer ScienceRWTH Aachen University,Aachen
You can also find an overview over my publications at my google scholar profile and at my dblp entry.
- Common Source & Provenance at Virtual Product House: Integration with a Data Management System
- Towards Specificationless Monitoring of Provenance-Emitting Systems
- Orchestrating Tool Chains for Model-based Systems Engineering with RCE
- A Blockchain-Based Approach to Provenance and Reproducibility in Research Workflows
- From LTL to rLTL monitoring: improved monitorability through robust semantics
- Supporting the composition of domain-specific software via task-specific roles
- Robust, Expressive, and Quantitative Linear Temporal Logics: Pick any Two for Free
- Distributed Multidisciplinary Optimization and Collaborative Process Development Using RCE
- Synthesizing Optimally Resilient Controllers
- Parity Games with Weights
- Quantitative Reductions and Vertex-Ranked Infinite Games
- VLDL Satisfiability and Model Checking via Tree Automata
- Visibly Linear Dynamic Logic
- Approximating Optimal Bounds in Prompt-LTL Realizability in Doubly-exponential Time
- Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs
- RCE: An Integration Environment for Engineering and Science
- Quantitative reductions and vertex-ranked infinite games
- Synthesizing optimally resilient controllers
- Parity Games with Weights
- Visibly Linear Dynamic Logic
- Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs
- Automata Tutor and what we learned from building an online teaching tool
- Predicting Winning Regions in Parity Games via Graph Neural Networks
- Automated and Manual Testing in the Development of the Research Software RCE
- Towards Automated Semantic Grouping in Workflows for Multi-Disciplinary Analysis
Technical Reports
- Problem Generation for DFA Construction
- Optimality and Resilience in Parity Games
- Analyzing Arithmetic Prolog Programs by Symbolic Execution
- Inferring Heap Abstraction Grammars
Student Supervision
Paula Ruß, Analyzing Provenance Graphs for Programming Errors2024, M. Sc. Thesis. TU Berlin.Together with André Nichterlein.
Lukas Ehlers, Konzeptionierung und Implementierung eines verteilten Universal Execution Agents2024, B. Sc. Thesis. HS Offenburg.Together with Robert Mischke.
Tim Rosenbach, Developing an Interface between an LLM and the GUI of RCE2024, B. Sc. Thesis. DHBW Mannheim.Together with David Heidrich.
Lucas Fournier, Using graph neural networks for predicting winning strategies in parity games2023, Research Internship. ENS Lyon.Together with Tobias Hecking.
Swathy Muthukrishnan, Using graph neural networks for predicting winning regions in parity games2023, Research Intern. Stuttgart University.Together with Tobias Hecking.
Jomana Abdelkader, Predicting Winning Regions in Parity Games via Graph Neural Networks2023, M. Sc. Thesis. TU Berlin.Together with Tobias Hecking.
Swathy Muthukrishnan, Using graph neural networks for predicting winning regions in parity games2023, Research Intern. Stuttgart University.Together with Tobias Hecking.
Sebastian Nocke, Development of an application programming interface for launching and managing dynamic networks of distributed software2022, B.Sc. Thesis. DHBW Mannheim.Together with Niklas Först and Robert Mischke.
Brian Hampel, Automatisierte Anwendung von Chaos Engineering Methoden zur Untersuchung der Robustheit eines verteilten Softwaresystems2021, B.Sc. Thesis. HTWK Leipzig.Together with Robert Mischke.
Lukas Rosenbach, Implementation of a data-flow analysis for Python scripts in RCE2021, B.Sc. Thesis. DHBW Mannheim.
Sebastian Nocke, Automated Eclipse Setup for RCE Development2021, Practical Project. DHBW Mannheim.
Tim Rosenbach, Using LLMS for Software TestingSince 2021, Research Assistant. DHBW Mannheim.Together with Tobias Hecking.
Tim Rosenbach, Using LLMs for software testingSince 2021, Research Assistant. DHBW Mannheim.
Dominik Schneider, Clustering of RCE Workflow Graphs2020, B.Sc. Thesis. DHBW Mannheim.
Lukas Rosenbach, Applying formal methods to re-engineer legacy softwareSince 2020, Research Assistant. DHBW Mannheim, Bonn University.
Sebastian Nocke, Displaying 3D models in RCE. Conducted code reviews.2020-2022, Research Assistant. DHBW Mannheim.
Marlon Schröter, Manual and automated software testing. Automated design of integration tests and acceptance tests. Conducted code reviews.2019-2022, Research Assistant. RWTH Aachen.
Dominik Schneider, Design and implementation of caching. Conducted code reviews.2019-2022, Research Assistant. DHBW Mannheim.
Selected Talks
March 2019:Introduction to RCE.RCE Introductory Workshop, DLR Institute for Engineering Thermodynamics, Stuttgart, Germany.
November 2018:Introduction to RCE.RCE Introductory Workshop, DLR Simulation and Software Technology, Cologne, Germany.
September 2018:Quantitative Reductions and Vertex-Ranked Games.
September 2018:Parity Games with Weights.
September 2018:Parity Games with Weights.
December 2017:VLDL Satisfiability and Model Checking via Tree Automata.
September 2017:Quantitative Reductions and Vertex-Ranked Games.
April 2017:Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Playing Infinite Games Optimally.
December 2016:Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs.
September 2016:Approximating Optimal Bounds in Prompt-LTL Realizability in Doubly-exponential Time.
September 2016:Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs.
August 2016:Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs.
June 2015:Analysis of Arithmetic Prolog Programs using Abstract Interpretation.
February 2015:Automatically Proving Memory Safety and Termination of C-Programs.